Add a new account to the CRM (Investors, Manage Investor Information)
Can I perform KYC and AML checks? (Accounts, Users, Know Your Customer)
Bulk import accounts (Upload Accounts, Mass Upload, Contacts, Investor)
How do you add an issuer account? (Account Management, Adding Issuer Type)
How can I review and approve changes to investor accounts? (Audit Updates, Review Account Updates, Approve Account Details)
How can I connect the platform CRM to my email account? (Gmail, Outlook)
How can I change an account type? (Individual, Entity, Switch Account, Account Update)
Where do my investors upload accreditation documents? (Accounts, Accreditation Status, Accreditation Check)
How can I delete an account, but not the users associated? (Remove Account, Linked Users)
How can I merge accounts in the CRM? (Duplicates, Multiple Users, Account Update)